Imagine coming home after a long day of work with the hassle of Metro Manila traffic. Upon contact, you slowly give into your bed’s playful call to slumber. Your eyes grow heavy as you drag your tired body, anticipating the warm caress of your duvet cover wrapping you up in its cocoon of comfort. Slowly, the thoughts of the exhausting work day drift off while you climb the peak of relaxation. Hours pass as if they were seconds and you wake up the next day feeling very refreshed, ready to start the day but not really keen on leaving the comfort of your bed. You sit up, smile and think of how the time you spent shopping for beddings was all worth it.
Choosing the perfect bed sheet is usually the most challenging part of putting together a comfortable bed to sleep in. It’s important to take into consideration how the sheets come in direct contact with our skin, which makes looking for the right type of fabric just as important as the quality of the mattress as well as the warmth and coziness of a blanket. The right combination makes for the most comfortable slumber.
So what brand defines the perfect sheet set? Canadian Bed & Bath / Lifestyle Bed Linens is your best bet?